New World is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) by Amazon Game Studios set to be released on August 31, 2021.
New World is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) by Amazon Game Studios set to be released on August 31, 2021. The game was previously scheduled to release in May 2020, but was delayed to its current date.
The players may form groups of up to five members, join one of three factions ("Marauders", "Syndicate", and "Covenant"), utilize node resources, craft items, gain control over settlements, quest, just explore the sandbox, fight other players, or monsters.
The gameplay involves no auto-locked targeting attacks (tab equals next targeting), and therefore, a steady hand at aiming is required. With each level, the hostile mobs are programmed with ever-increasing complexity and strength sequences of attacking behavior skill sets that will require the player to counter using their mana, stamina, and health with timed attacks, dodges, weapon blocks, retreats, or crawling stealth. The weapon skill tree choices are currently for bow, hammer, hatchet, fire staff, life staff, musket rifle, spear, and sword/shield.
As in every MMO, the character levels up personal attribute skills. There are "Constitution", "Focus", "Intelligence", "Strength", and "Dexterity". Diminishing returns scale as an attribute's skill level increases. The player's character also levels up weapon and trade skills. The trade skills are divided into the three categories of "Crafting" ("Weaponsmithing", "Armoring", "Engineering", "Jewelcrafting", "Arcana", "Cooking", and "Furnishing"), "Refining" ("Smelter", "Woodworking", "Leatherworking", "Weaving", and "Stonecutting"), and "Gathering" ("Logging", "Mining", "Harvesting", and "Tracking and Skinning"). There is also a "Camping" skill ("Wilderness Survival").
Three quick travel methods exist. Although no fast speed mounts are available, there is a set of skills under the life staff tree for intermittent forward speed boosts. The gameplay is unique in that no jumping exists, instead the player may dodge or climb most environmental objects or use the life staff to cross large aerial spaces.
The economy centers around gold coins. The player can dispose of unwanted items through a trader between players in exchange for gold coins, they can "salvage" (dismantle) the items for resources, they can discard the item on to the unsecured ground, or they can make a direct transfer to another player. Characters that die cannot drop items, but with each combat encounter, use, or death, the player's items undergo damage. The damage can be repaired with repair items and gold coins.
The player may purchase personal housing and erect "Furnishings" to achieve aesthetic and utility bonuses, as well as, obtain a means for fast traveling to the settlement site.
The game mechanics offer with-questing pvp combat and without-questing. Before leaving a safe-zone settlement, players have the option either or not to set the flagged-state which activates after leaving the settlement and then a cooldown period.
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